When Brown Blows – 1984

Some of you are old friends, good friends… even Facebook friends… of mine. You might find it hard to believe that at one point in my life, I could be considered unruly, bellicose, loud… even arch. But it was true.

These days I am so placid and amenable. Almost nothing could upset this inner peace.

But it was true that I could get a little… testy. Perhaps a surly word. Never unkind. Merely gritty.

How this could be, I do not know. I was usually quick with a smile, a joke on the lips, a hearty greeting. I admit when the temperature rose to 98° and my perspiration would run off in sheets, my smile which would be right side up might slip sideways… a little.

Or when Paty would come in and take over my stat camera to bang out a couple of her own jobs, then Nora would drift by to ask for a “rush” (pronounced “roosh”)… My answer in the form of a broad smile could be mistook for a baring of the teeth.

The Bullpen was full of wags—sure, we all know that. But how this… this… could come to be…

Featured above is Inker Extraordinaire and Leader of Geiger’s Counters*, Steve Geiger, laughing it up next to a rather accurate portrait of me. Since this was mid-1984, it is possible I was carrying on about a lack of sleep incurred over a Marvel Universe late night…

I completely forget—if I ever knew—just who did this. But if I ever find out…

Drinks are on me!

In case any of my dear friends (all three assortments) have not seen what I look like—this portrait was only taken a few years later. Thus it is still applicable!

Portrait ©Gupta

*Geiger’s Counters—That literal backbone of the Bullpen—was the descendant of Romita’s Raiders. The need for two things as an integral component of the Bullpen were: art corrections and an artists’ training ground. Initially, Complete Artist Nonpariel John Romita, Sr was that person who performed a million corrections. As well as interviewing young hopefuls as inkers or pencilers. It was determined that John was getting well… you know… old; why he must’ve been 47 or so. His talents were better spent doing Art Directorly things like designing things or some such.

Thus the new Art Corrections Department was glibly named “Romita’s Raiders.” Every one of these people went on to have careers in comics. Eventually, John became even more… you know… old; why he must’ve been 52 by then. And John’s last interview was the person who would lead these youthful stalwarts—Steve Geiger! Inks as smooth as a Swiss cheese and pencils to match, Steve would lead the re-named Geiber’s Counters to future glory!

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