Jim Salicrup writer and editor. Jim’s one of the fellows who, during editorial meetings, always seemed to have a dozen ideas, none bad; some perfect. Jim is still producing comics! He is doing indie work for some high-profile projects like the Creepy Magazine endeavor.

Go back to March, 1979 Bullpen Random

Jim Salicrup writer and editor. Jim's one of the fellows who, during editorial meetings, always seemed to have a dozen ideas, none bad; some perfect. Jim is still producing comics! He is doing indie work for some high-profile projects like the Creepy Magazine endeavor.

Jim Salicrup writer and editor. Jim’s one of the fellows who, during editorial meetings, always seemed to have a dozen ideas, none bad; some perfect. Jim is still producing comics! He is doing indie work for some high-profile projects like the Creepy Magazine endeavor.

Go back to March, 1979 Bullpen Random