Happy Tom. So early in my photographing Tom, he had not yet adopted his persona of the snarling, camera-avoiding recluse. Note the happy little jar of small candy bars. Also note the horrid cigarillo, an indication of the office smoking policies of the day. To the right, this is what he was looking at. Not all the time, of course. Mark Gruenwald his assistant.

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Happy Tom. So early in my photographing Tom, he had not yet adopted his persona of the snarling, camera-avoiding recluse. Note the happy little jar of small candy bars. Also note the horrid cigarillo, an indication of the office smoking policies of the day. To the right, this is what he was looking at. Not all the time, of course. Mark Gruenwald his assistant.

Happy Tom. So early in my photographing Tom, he had not yet adopted his persona of the snarling, camera-avoiding recluse. Note the happy little jar of small candy bars. Also note the horrid cigarillo, an indication of the office smoking policies of the day. To the right, this is what he was looking at. Not all the time, of course. Mark Gruenwald his assistant.

Back to: The Tom DeFalco Series Part 2 of 5